Application SweatCoin | Download an app SweatCoin To earn money from walking with its latest release

Profit application from walking 2023

Walking in our daily lives is the most thing we do in this life, but have you ever asked yourself whether I can benefit financially from the walking that I walk on a daily basis and this is our topic today.

The SweatCoin application now offers you money on the steps that you walk in your daily life and this is like a fantasy. It is really a terrible thing that you walk and earn money or gifts, the SweatCoin application is now considered one of the most important platforms for profitability from walking, an idea that was released by Sweatco Ltd. SweatCoin, withdrawal methods, and everything related to this most wonderful application.

Application SwaetCoin 2023

Explanation of the SwaetCoin application to make money walking

The application uses the GPS feature to know the number of steps you take, and the application does not need the Internet to calculate the steps you take, and this is a beautiful thing from a profitable application.

The Sweet Coin application has achieved great success in the period of its release on the Google Play Store and the App Store, and as we said earlier, you can earn weekly gifts by completing simple tasks that the application sets for you when creating an account within the application.

The app has a free plan which you can earn a limited number of points from the SwaetCoin application currency and to earn more you have to buy a plan from within the application you can earn a maximum of 150 in the application currency per month only for the free plan.

You can exchange your SwaetCoin for real money or you can do in-app shopping and purchase products which are inside the SwaetCoin app.

The application does not calculate more than ten thousand steps for the free plan and its price in the application currency is approximately five currencies maximum only for the free plan and to earn more you have to buy a plan or through your referral that the application offers you for free.

How to withdraw money from the SwaetCoin app

How can I withdraw my winnings in the Sweet Coin application?

 It is very simple. When you reach the minimum amount of currencies, you will be able to withdraw options, which are via PayPal or to your bank account. It is easier than you think.

The withdrawal box will be opened when you reach the minimum points that the application offers you, many people think that the application is just a game because they did not find the withdrawal box or they think that the SwaetCoin application is not supported in their country, but they are wrong. Draw only when you reach the minimum points.

There are some difficulties for the last step, but you will earn more with this problem, but it will be difficult for some people, which is you have to invite 100 friends through the referral link, but here will be the surprise, you will earn from every referral 5 of his SwaetCoin and this became a very wonderful thing you can earn Only $100 of referral earnings without the steps you have.

Explanation of creating an account within the SwaetCoin application

You have to install the application from the Google Play Store or the App Store according to the type of your mobile device. After downloading the application, you enter the application and it will ask you to register with your account, either with your Gamil Google account.

 After you choose the appropriate registration option, you will notice that the application has become fully functional, and every step you take will be calculated, and so we created an account in the SwaetCoin application without any problems.

How are walking app earnings calculated?

SwaetCoin app will give you 1 SwaetCoin for every 1000 move which is great for the free plan.

It is on this basis that the profits of the SwaetCoin application are calculated.

SwaetCoin app download links for Android

To download an application SwaetCoin

And here we have finished explaining the SwaetCoin application I hope you benefited from this tutorial.
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